“So therefore I dedicate myself, to my art, my sleep, my dreams, my labours, my sufferances, my loneliness, my unique madness, my endless absorption and hunger because I cannot dedicate myself to any fellow being” - Jack Kerouac

Supporting you on your path to unashamedly becoming the YOU you’ve always dreamed of BEING.

You were never here to play small & be liked be everyone, love. You are here to trust your nature and express yourself so boldly that it shoots an arrow of light through the heart of every soul you meet so that they too are inspired to live so Divinely and Wild.

Work With Me

“The degree to which you stop trusting yourself is the degree to which you are complicit in upholding an outdated system.”

~ Nikki Jae

For regular 60 min Human Design readings…

Please view my availability over at MyHumanDesign.com



Wild Hearts Club

A curation of interviews and monologues that aims to encourage vulnerability, conscious communication and aligned action.